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Israel Trip May 2022 -Blog

05/09/2022 04:51:29 PM


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Something that can only be truly appreciated when in Israel, is what it means to live the Jewish calendar.  I am referring to the weekly calendar, not even to the Jewish holidays. After a restful Shabbat we set out yesterday, Sunday, which in Israel is a regular workday for Yad VaShem, to Israel’s memorial and museum to the Holocaust, which is always impactful.  Later the same day, we took a fun boat...Read more...

05/06/2022 11:38:36 AM


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Today our group had a special visit at the Menahem Begin Center where we had a chance to learn more about the legacy of one of Israel’s most influential Prime Ministers.

We also had a private meeting with Jewish hero Natan Sharansky who spoke with us about the threat of anti-semitism.  As he said, the BDS and other attempts to weaken Israel will not succeed because Israel is strong.  They do, however, pose a threat to the...Read more...

05/05/2022 02:04:44 PM


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Our celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut began last night when we went to one of the large festive public celebrations in Gan HaAtzmaut (Independence Park) in Jerusalem.

At Ir David, the City of David, we saw some of the structures that may date back to the time of King David and where objects with names of several people mentioned in the Book of Kings were found.  It is always...Read more...

05/04/2022 02:21:45 PM


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Today is the day when the people of the State of Israel share the common experience of being a people who share history and destiny, who are united in honoring those who have lost their lives to acts of terror or in defense of the Jewish homeland.  And those who are mourned are not just Jews.  There is also an increasing recognition of those who survived battles, who witnessed the deaths of others and who suffer from post traumatic...Read more...

05/03/2022 02:00:29 PM


Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Today we visited the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation where we learned about and saw first-hand why Israel is known as “StartUp Nation.”  The creativity coming out of Israel is nothing less than amazing – it is almost as if they welcome challenges just to see how they can solve seemingly insolvable problems.  Many of us are familiar with the Israel of past decades when they miraculously defied all odds to fulfill David...Read more...

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785