Kashrut Guidelines
Kashrut Guidelines
Kashrut Guidelines
The observance of kashrut is one of the basic tenets of Conservative Judaism. To this end, all events sponsored by Congregation B’nai Tzedek shall follow the guidelines of the Conservative movement as articulated in this document.
Food served at all events held at the synagogue, whether sponsored by B’nai Tzedek or not, shall either be prepared in the synagogue’s kitchen by a caterer or an auxiliary organization of the synagogue (Sisterhood, Brotherhood nursery or religious school, etc.). Such preparation must be done with the absolute assurance that the observance of kashrut is uncompromised, or purchased from an approved kosher vendor.
For synagogue-sponsored events held by any organization, auxiliary group or committee affiliated with B’nai Tzedek that are held outside the facility, the following guidelines shall govern our policy:
1. It is preferable for events to be held in a restaurant that has been certified as kosher by the Orthodox Rabbinical Council or by the Metropolitan Rabbinical Kashrus Association (Metro-K) or to be catered by one of the synagogue’s approved caterers. When eating in a kosher establishment or in a facility in which a kosher caterer is catering the meal, it is permissible to eat any food item that is served, whether dairy or meat.
2. If food is to be served at a restaurant or other location (i.e., a member’s home, bowling alley, country club, sporting facility, etc.) that has not been certified as kosher per the authorities stated in item 1 above, the hosting committee or auxiliary group of the synagogue shall be required to abide by the following conditions:
a. No meat, chicken or meat/chicken by-products whatsoever shall be served or offered as part of the meal, unless the food has been purchased from an approved kosher caterer or establishment, such as Moti's Market or Shalom and is sealed with the tape and “hechshar” (certification from a recognized mashgiach that the food has been prepared in accordance with the laws of kashrut). The platter should remain sealed until the time that the food is to be served.
b. It is permissible to serve/consume food from the following groups:
i. Dairy (i.e., cheese, butter, milk, etc.)
ii. Vegetarian (i.e., all vegetables, fruits, grains and pastas)
iii. Pareve (i.e., eggs, fish and other food types that contain neither meat nor dairy by-products
iv. Salads (no meat or chicken)
v. Fish products: The only type of fish that may be served and consumed is that which is kosher; i.e., those that have fins and scales. No shellfish of any type is permitted. These include, but are not limited to shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, scallops, etc. and crustaceans.
c. A copy of the proposed menu must be emailed to the Executive Director at least five days in advance of the event to ensure compliance with all of the guidelines stipulated above.
Please contact Scott Katz (301.299.0225 ext. 307 or by email at skatz@cbtpotomac.org) prior to scheduling your event should you have any questions with respect to this policy.
*Please note: under no circumstances may items be purchased for meals outside the synagogue on Shabbat or Jewish holidays, as business transactions may not be conducted at this time.
Wed, February 19 2025
21 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
In-Person Minyan : 8:00am |
Zoom Minyan : 7:00pm |
Latke/Hamantaschen Debate : 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 19 Latke/Hamantaschen Debate Wednesday, Feb 19 7:00pm |
Feb 20 Torah Study with Rabbi Bayar Thursday, Feb 20 9:30am |
Feb 21 B'nai Mitzvah Retreat Friday, Feb 21 |
Feb 25 Sisterhood Book Club: The Measure Tuesday, Feb 25 7:30pm |
Feb 26 Jewish Heritage Night Wizards Basketball Game Wednesday, Feb 26 7:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:35pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Mazel Tov Us!
Supporting B'nai Tzedek
B'nai Tzedek provides a vast array of programs designed to enlighten, stimulate and educate. We are challenged to explore our Judaism, history, customs and our relationship with the people of Israel. Your support allows us to maintain memberships and educational opportunities for those who might not otherwise afford it.
Contact Us
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
(301) 299-0225
Steven Bayar, Senior Rabbi
Marshall Kapell, Cantor
Stuart Weinblatt, Rabbi Emeritus
Sylvia Mace, Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 19 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 19th 7:00p to 8:30p
Join us for this intellectual showdown: Rabbi Bayar (pro-latke) vs Congregant and President of AJC's Washington DC Region Bruce Genderson (pro-hamantaschen). RSVP below for this spirited debate! -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 20 , 2025
Thursday, Feb 20th 9:30a to 10:30a
Every Thursday morning 9:30 am in the Gage Board Room Join Rabbi Bayar on Thursday mornings for study of the parsha. We will be studying the parsha for the upcoming week, paying special attention to how the commentators "reworked" the text to meet their societal needs. Feel free to bring your own translation. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025
Friday, Feb 21st (All day)
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