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RS Gr. 3-6 Hebrew Preference 2023-2024

Small Group & Private Tutoring Options (Gr. 3-6)*

Days Times Venues* Hebrew Instruction
Monday TBD
4:30-5:30 pm
5:30-6:30 pm
@ CBT or Remote
Private Tutoring
Tuesday 4:30-6:00 pm @ CBT   Small Groups
Tuesday 5:30-7:00 pm @ CBT or Remote
Small Groups
Wednesday 4:30-6:00 pm @ CBT
Small Groups
Wednesday 5:30-7:00 pm @ CBT or Remote
Small Groups
Thursday TBD
4:30-5:30 pm
5:30-6:30 pm
@ CBT or Remote
Private Tutoring

*We require a minimum of 5 students in ALL Hebrew mid-week classes. That also includes remote virtual classes. If we have less than 5, we reserve the right to move students into classes so that we reach the viable number required. 

The first midweek Hebrew Small Group classes - Tues., Sept. 12 and Wed., Sept. 13, 2023
The first midweek Hebrew Private Tutoring sessions - Mon., Sept. 11 and Thurs., Sept. 14, 2023

Inclusion: Understanding that each child is a unique learner, we want to ensure that every child receives instruction that meets their learning style and needs. Therefore, we request that when completing the forms, you share with us any information that will help us accommodate your child. If there have been any modifications in your child’s learning from previous years, please let us know. If you wish to have a confidential discussion with Moshe, please email him so that your child receives assistance if needed.

3rd through 6th Grades Midweek Hebrew

To provide parents with flexibility and students with an excellent learning environment for them, we are offering students two options for 3rd-6th grades Hebrew learning: Small Group classes or Private Tutoring. Small Group Sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday include a 55-minute Hebrew lesson and 30-minute Tefilah (prayer) experience.

We are now asking our parents of third through sixth graders to indicate preferences for Small Group/Private Tutoring sessions at this time. Small Group assignments will be made on a first come/first serve basis. Popular times and days will fill up this year. We are making the small groups and PT assignments in late August. Deadline for Small Group choices is August 25, 2023.

We will begin to form small groups in late August. Therefore, as soon as you know (or think you know) your child's schedule, please submit the form. There is a place on the form to notate your child's circumstances, such as waiting to hear back from a coach or planning to schedule a tutor.

The office assigns students to a specific small group based on the best learning environment for the student. For students who are new to the school in grades 4 and up, parents will have a conversation with the Religious School Director, Moshe Ben-Lev, about optimal placement for their child(ren) and possible in person meeting to ascertain current Hebrew reading level. 

We also offer one-on-one private tutoring on Monday or Thursday with one of our teachers at a rate of $90/session, which will be billed for 25 sessions ($2,250) at the beginning of the school year. This option is available on the Midweek Hebrew preference form. Please contact the Religious School office to schedule your child's sessions. 

For students who need financial assistance we may have funds available through the Barbara Felicia Schifter Memorial Fund or Samuel Ulanow Special Needs Education Fund. Please contact us for more information.

Midweek Hebrew Small Groups & Private Tutoring - Instructions for Indicating Preferences 

For a student in Grades 3 through 6, please indicate your choice for mid-week Hebrew:

-          Preferred choice: indicates the best option for your family

-          Possible choice: indicates that there is flexibility in your schedule to allow for the optimal placement in a small group

-          Not possible: indicates that the session absolutely will not work for your family

-          Private Tutoring: indicates your preference for one-on-one private tutoring on Monday or Thursday

Tuition Info (There is an additional charge for Private Tutoring. Please click here to learn the additional rates for Private Tutoring)

Please enter information below for the first child you'd like to indicate their Gr. 3-6 midweek Hebrew preferences for 2023-2024 religious school.

Please note: if you have not filled out the RS Registration Form for 2023-2024, please click here for directions on how to submit the RS Registration before completing this supplementary form. If you have any questions or concerns in completing this form, please contact Micah.

Student's Name:
Preference Selections:
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option
If your child will be doing Hebrew Small Group, please select N/A option.
If there is anything else you would like the RS Office staff to know, please include it in this box. 

Click the "+" sign below to enter each additional child you'd like to indicate Gr. 3-6 Hebrew preferences for religious school.
Student's Name:
Preference Selection:
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Private Hebrew Tutoring, please select the Not Possible option.
If your child will be doing Hebrew Small Group, please select N/A option.
If there is anything else you would like the RS Office staff to know, please include it in this box. 

Parent/Guardian information
The "Confirming Gr. 3-6 midweek Hebrew Preferences for RS 2023-2024" email will be sent to this email address.

CLASS ASSIGNMENTS:  Students are assigned to classes on a first-come, first-served basis.

After you press the SUBMIT button, a confirmation email "Confirming Gr. 3-6 midweek Hebrew Preferences for RS 2023-2024" will be sent to your email account. If you do not receive this confirmation email, then please try submitting the this form again filling in ALL required fields or contact Micah Jarvis ( for assistance / follow up. Thank you!
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784