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Weekly Sermons


Judaism: Keep It Alive! My Final Sermon as Senior Rabbi of B’nai Tzedek, Video HERE.


Israel's Most Recent Election: Reason for Concern?: PDF Here, Youtube Video Here

The Most Amazing Holocaust Rescue Story You Never Heard: PDF Here,  Youtube Video Here

About the Attack in the Synagogue in Texas: PDF Here, Youtube Video Here

Advice for President Biden: The Torah’s Guide for How to Choose a Judge: PDF Here

Lessons from the Invasion of Ukraine: PDF Here, Youtube Video Here

When a leader Sins: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: PDF Here, Youtube Video Here


Foreigner or Resident: Which Are We?

The Angels Among Us 

What is the Measure of a Life? 

What Jacob, Joseph, and his Siblings Can Teach us About Family Reconciliation


Lessons From a Civil Rights Mission

Yiddish: A Love Story

Aipac Policy Conference: An Objective Perspective

The Sign that We Are Still in Business

2019 Confirmation Class Message


After a Visit to Auschwitz: Questions About the Holocaust


Christmas and Chanukah

"Will You Still Love Me When I'm 64?"

Dylan and Moses:  Two Poets and Prophets

Everyone Has a Name

Yiddish Scores Again!

Aharei Mot: After the Holocaust

Shabbat HaGadol:  To Kitniyot or Not?


Jacob - The First Syrian Refugee

Nature vs. Nurture

Lech Lecha:  Go Forth and What I Told the Prime Minister

Why Sandy Koufax Still Matters

Does God Have a Favorite in the Belmont Stakes?

My Confirmation Class Message

The Sabbatical Year

Don't Cry for Me Argentina

Je Suis Juif


The Rape of Dinah - and Other Stories in the News

Massacre in a Jerusalem Synagogue

Lessons from the Spies

Is there a Connection between Yom HaShoah & Yom HaAtzmaut?

Not Forgetting What We Are Supposed to Remember


Nelson Mandela

What Will Hindsight Tell Us About Our Negotiations With Iran?  

The Pope and the Rabbi 

A Father's Day Message 

Knaydels Make a Splash at Spelling Bee 

Looking Back at Auschwitz and Forward to Israel 

Are you a Passover or Purim Jew? 

 Journey to Jewish Heritage Report 

 The Miracle of Jewish Life in Kiev


Pillar of Defense

The March that Changed the World  

 A Response to Atheism  

Desecrating and Sanctifying God’s Holy Name in the NY Times  

An Idea for a SNL Shtick 

The Kid, the Couple and the Baseball

Sparks of Life: Impressions of Hungary on Shabbat Zachor 

Tim Tebow or Not to Bow?


The Ad Campaign to Bring Jacob Home 

What Makes the Land Holy 

Release of Gilad Shalit 

An Eternal Bond 

Shlach Lecha 

A Most Unusual Hospital Visit 

Message to Confirmation Class of 2011 

A Visit to Sderot 

Out of the Box Judaism 

The Triangle Shirt Waist Fire 

Shabbat Zachor 2011: Massacre in Itamar 

VaYikra - Is Sacrifice a Thing of the Past? 

A Letter to the Egyptian People 

Violence in Arizona 

A Sermon of Thanks 

Always Listen to Your Mother 


UNESCO's Latest Injustice 

The Mosque and the Lack of Civility 

Confirmation Class Message 2010 

A Meeting at the White House 

Graduating Seniors Message 

Jerusalem Day 2010 

I Believe


Judah Maccabee's Nobel Peace Prize Speech

Jared and Ivanka and Edward and Caroline 

"Hood" - Violence at Fort Hood 

Imagining John Lennon's "Imagine" - and the Tower of Babel 

The Pre-Season: Getting Ready 

Father's Day 2009 

BeHa'alotheca: A GPS for the Way 

One Rabbi's Reaction to the "Speech to the Muslim World" 

The Cycle of the Holidays 

Should She or Shouldn't She? 

Can We Learn from Moses' Accounting? 

The Lobby and the Nominee 

What I Said to the President on his First Day in Office 


Lessons from a Super Super Bowl 

Pesach in Israel 

The 60th Anniversary of the Founding of Israel 

A Haircut in Manhattan 

Confirmation Class Message 

We Answer to a Higher Authority 

A New Leader 

One Last Barrier of Prejudice Yet to Fall 

Attack in Mumbai 

The Madoff Massacre 


JCRC Speech: "Pillar of the Community Leadership Award" 

The Six Day War - Forty Years Later 

American Jewish History Month 

Kedoshim 2007: Love and Limits 

Yom Ha Shoah VA Tech and the Holocaust 

The Don Imus Controversy 

A Time to Celebrate and a Time to Remember: Purim 2007 

Terumah 2007: UJC Super Sunday 

Israel After the Second Hezbollah War 


Invocation for the Inauguration of County Executive Isiah Leggett 

DC Rally for Solidarity with Israel 


Parashat Shemini 2006: Kashrut 

Why is this Night Different? - Passover 2006 


Christmas and Hanukah 

Intelligent Design VS Evoluation - Bereshit 2005 

Judging Others, Judging Ourselves: Shoffim 2005 

A Painful Move: My Israel Trip - July 2005 

Message to My Confirmation Class 2005 

Yom HaZikaran/Yom HaAtmaat: Independence Day and Memorial Day 2005 

The Holocaust, Helmets and Holiness

On Account of a Hat 

The Measure of a Man: Pope John II 

March 2005 Trip to Israel 

Sixtieth Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz  

God is in the Whirlwind: The Tsunami of 2004 (Va'fra) 


Thanksgiving 2004 

VaYetizeh 2004 

The Death and "Legacy" of Arafat 

Abraham: Father of All? 

The Important Questions 

Victory in Athens 

Memorial Day 2004 

Sanctifying our Homes 

Horror in Iraq 

Metzora 2004 

Passover in Miami 

The Passion 

Joe Lieberman for President: Did We Miss an Opportunity?

In Defense of the Fence 

HIPPA Regulations: Is it Illegal to Pray for Someone? 

Preserving the Memory of Sinai 


From Abrahan to Auswhitz to Washington 

Baseball and Curses: Failed Again 

Ten Years of Oslo 

Yom Ha'Atzmaut 

The War in Iraq 

The Other Refugees 

France 2003 

Ilan Ramon: Israel Reaches for the Stars


Pro-Israel Rally at the University of Maryland 

Rabbi Weinblatt's Statement in Front of the Egyptian Embassy 

Having a Son in the Israeli Army


Ecumencial Experiences and Yom Hashoah 

Finding Joy: A Story for Sukkot 

Listening for Heavenliness 


When Making Up is Hard To Do 

When to Take a Hint 

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785