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Past High Holiday Sermons

2018 - 5779

Appreciating the Cracked Pots in Our Lives

Can We Ever Really Know Anything or Anyone

Is Judaism More Than Just Social Justice and Tikun Olam

Three Jewish Values We Need Today


2017 - 5778

We Are Unprepared 

Thirty Years Ago

What a Marriage Counselor Would Advise

The Sabbath Loaves



2016 - 5777

Can You Still Be a Good Jew If You Don't Believe in God, or Should an Atheist Still Come to Synagogue on the High Holidays?

Elie Wiesel, Madness, the Middle East and the World

The Non-Election Election Sermon

Yizkor: The Legacy of Shimon Peres


2015 - 5776

Tiger Moms, Helicopter Moms and Jewish Moms: What Judaism Can Teach Parents

Who Am I: Confronting Ourselves

When Life is Unfair


2014 - 5775

Fiddler on the Roof

Israel, Us and the Rest of the World

Schadenfruede: Is It a Sin? Should It Be? And What Is It Anyway?

Yizkor: Memories of Joan Rivers


2013 - 5774

A Dying Mother's Gift to Her Son

The Synagogue @ 25

Aging: Coping with Growing Older

Someone is Watching You: Should We Worry About the NSA Program?

Ed Koch's Unique Brand of Judaism

Yizkor: When Tomorrow Starts Without Me


2012 - 5773

Pushing the Reset Button

Lessons the Jews of Budapest Can Teach Us

It's the Little Things That Count

Memo to the Next President of the United States

Good Night iPad: A Story for Our Time

Yizkor: Driving in the Back of Dad's Car


2011 - 5772

Our Journey: Where Are We Going And What Will We Do When We Get There

What A Difference A Year Makes

Sign of the Times: A Story of Redemption

Israel: A Non-Political Sermon

Fiddling with Fidelity and Faith


2010 - 5771

Dancing with Elijah

What Cancer Has Taught Me

Education: More Than Just Getting Good Grades and Into a Good College


2009 - 5770

What To Do When Our 401(k)'s Become 201(k)'s

On Becoming and Being a Grandparent


The Holocaust, Israel and Other Matters

Atonement, Teshuva, and Other Lessons from Unexpected Sources


2008 - 5769

Take A Break

Why Be Jewish

Ethics and Ritual

The Economy, The Elections and Other Such Matters

Kaddish and Shiva: What I Learned From Being a Mourner



2007 - 5768


The Wedding Sermon: A Message to My Daughter as She Begins Her Married Life

Heroes: They Don't Make Them Like They Used To

The Shema and the Art of Listening

Are Israel's Critics Anti-Semitic?

Yizkor: We Wait Too Long


2006 - 5767

Personal Reflections Erev Rosh Hashana

Britney Spears and the Threat of Idolatry in Our Time

Israel 2006: If Only They Knew

Conservative Judaism: Passionate About the Center

Mel Gibson


2005 - 5766

Rosh Hashana Evening

Transforming Our Homes into Places of Holiness

The Blessing of a Blessing

The Blame Game

The Importance of Israel

Yizkor: Red Sox Nation: We Remember Them


2004 - 5765

Thoughts for Erev Rosh Hashana

Shabbat: Day of Delight - Just Do It

What Madonna and Others Can Teach Us: It's Good to Be Jewish

Israel: The Power of Courage and Conviction

My Advice to My Child as He Enters the Working World

Yizkor: Billy Crystal's "I Alread Know I Love You"


2003 - 5764

Coping with Fear

What We Can Learn from the Population Study and "Sex & the City"

Twenty-Five Years and Counting

Why I Speak So Much About Israel


2002 - 5763

A Bus Ride in Israel

September 11: One Year Later - How Much Has Changed, How Much Has Not

May They Be Heard in the Cities of Judah and the Streets of Jerusalem

The Antidote to Anti-Semitism: Live as a Jew!

Looking at Ourselves


2001 - 5762

The Blessing of a Funeral

After the Ashes and the Attack: Anger

Israel All Alone, Again

Bar Mitzvah Year: A RIte of Passage

Soccer Parents, Soccer Goals and What Really Matters


2000 - 5761

What Lieberman's Nomination Means

Tzedakah: A Way of Life

Israel 2000: The Threat to Her Existance

Jews as Survivors: The Meaning of Historical Memory

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784